Philip seymour hoffman along came polly basketball

Philip seymour hoffman along came polly basketball

Where s your logic headed? I know only one person who owns a Blu-Ray and she only buys one or two Blu-Rays per year. 95% of the movies she watches come in via Netflix. Physical media is dead. Comment is buried, click here to see the rest. I know someone who doesn t have an HDTV, but bought a Bluray player to use it for DVD s and the Wifi Streaming of Netflix on demand. I know this ass-clown that actually thinks physical media is dead. Serious, this pompous wind-bag actually declared in a tech forum that Physical media was dead. New technologies never replace, they only splinter use. You can for example claim the car killed the oxcart. But throughout the world, even the, people are hooking carts up to animals eery day. And with the imposition of usage caps being more and more common, digital downloads will be a part of life but certainly never eliminate discs which you can philip seymour hoffman along came polly basketball share with friends. Which is bullst. Physical media will not die as long as ISPs are literally choking the internet with slow speeds and bandwidth caps. And not only that but digital media is choking itself out by putting severe restraints on content via DRM. I only interested in this article because of the Vader thumbnail. Exactly, its just the Christmas season. Everything always gets sold more quickly and in more numbers during holidays. Especially when you can t go outside and enjoy your time and are racked up inside your house all day long because of the snow. Meh, physical media seems like a hassle most of the time. Maybe if they quoted numbers about a huge sales increase instead of just an increase in production, then I d philip seymour hoffman along came polly basketball it. But honestly, it just seems like a big hassle and cost for something that really isn t that convienent for me personally. agree. streaming is so much more convenient. i doubt we will ever see another physical media standard come out to replace blu ray, the days of worrying about media are nearly behind us. streaming isn t quite there yet in every situation, but in time physical media will seem as antiquated as the telegraph. The storage and bandwidth demands for full 2046x2046x2046 holography disagree with you. Today s so called 3D is a pitiful thing compared with that.

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